Sunday, April 7, 2013

True Connections Are There Whether We See Them Or Not...

Wow!  I think I can finally see Spring around the corner!  Walking today reminded me about how in winter trees and the nature world look leaves, no flowers, so cold.  But today is the first day I see so many signs that our neck of the woods is coming out of dormancy...warmth, buds on the trees, daffodils, crocus, hyacinths, and birds singing!  They may look dead in winter, but actually there is a lot going on that we can't see on the inside or underground! I can hardly wait for spring and see the full bloom!

This all got me to thinking of how my connections can lay dormant for a period of time and I don't see activity.  Have I missed an email?  A text? A call?  I could not function without those connections!  And some dormancy can last for a day, two days, a week, a month or more before I need to pick up the activity. 

Today reminded me that even though I connect at different times with different people and may not "see" activity, connections are still active and I need to be patient!  A period of "winter" can be any time before "spring" comes and the connection is in "full bloom" again!

And that makes me happy!