Sunday, March 20, 2011

Just me!

Politics is always interesting to me. Whether it be in a job or government, one has to be cognizant of the fact that not everybody thinks the same about your character. When I held my position at the county nursing home, I always upheld the highest standards and did my best to respect the other employees, residents, children, and their families. But not everyone viewed it the same way! Through the four years that it took me to receive my Masters' degree in Guidance and Counseling, I became accepting of that fact instead of continually beating myself up for what I should or could have done differently trying to please everyone. During the closing process of the daycare center, I made a speech at the County Board saying that it was ok to close our center for the good of the whole county. We had a great almost 16-year run and there were no regrets. That was five years ago this month. Recently, I had a person comment to me how he remembered that speech even now. I was surprised because it was just me.

The political campaigning is in full bloom right now. When everybody surrounding campaigns is being put under the microscope for their actions or inactions, it is more important than ever to be aware. For me, it's not hard. I have always wanted to take the high road and treat others just as I would like to be treated. I see no point in spreading rumors that aren't true. I try to look at the positive characteristics in people and make my associations accordingly. Does that mean that I don't talk or meet with others who I may disagree with? No, that would be very narrow-minded of me. I feel that you can always learn something by talking to others. Does that mean that people should jump to conclusions about my beliefs or convictions or loyalties? No. It's just me wanting to know others better. By knowing people, we can remove the barriers to communication that can sometimes exist.

I will say that when others may attempt to cast negative aspersions against me, I will not be a hypocrite and support their actions. I will stand up for myself and decide which direction to take that will show my conscience. If people notice that, I'm glad. It's just me.

I am far from perfect and have made many mistakes, but through it all I hope that my positive contributions will outnumber the negative!

It's just me!