Sunday, July 8, 2012

Get out of the rut!

Something that was said by the priest at church yesterday rang true to me.  Sometimes we get in a rut and don't think that life has anything new to offer us.  I have not really followed that line of thinking because each day provides new opportunities to reach out or to connect.  But one has to be open to those possibilities and be ready when it happens.  Sometimes the opportunity happens when we aren't looking!  And those can be the most fun! 

Being on Council has provided me with more opportunities than I can count!  Social media opens doors for connecting that I never would have dreamed of.  But the communication has to be a two-way street.  There is no connection if you are not open to new ideas or thoughts or people.  New people come into your life and can bring new perspectives that totally make life exciting!  Life has so much to offer past the four walls of your comfort zone.  Taking a chance exploring outside those walls is what keeps me going!  There is so much to learn and so many teachers out there for me to learn from!  (And I'm not talking about the classroom!) 

Open up!  Make yourself available!  That new "Best Friend" could be out there just waiting to meet you!    Get ready for the adventure and you will be surprised where that path can lead....

The sky's the limit!