Sunday, August 28, 2011

Nothing Like Friends!

It's close to birthday time, and as I was walking today, I was thinking of what an awesome year this has been! I've met challenges and feel stronger for them now. Some are still on my plate and new ones are on the horizon. But most of all, my relationships with my friends has been strengthened. Meeting new people who have instantly become friends, growing the bonds with already friends, and deepening bonds with the closest friends has made me grateful for each and every one!

As the picture illustrates, sometimes there's that one friend (or two) who stands out in a sea of friends. Being that friend is an awesome responsibility. It takes a special relationship to build that bond. It's one of trust and time. It doesn't happen overnight. It's cultivated. It takes two to make that happen. But as time goes by and it gets tested and survives, then you know that you have something special with that person.

Here's to all of my friends, and to those out there who will be! Cheers!

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