For whatever reasons, October has been a challenging month for me for several years. This year is once again proving to bear that out! The main issue is the broken leg and Halloween Cast. It is the fourth time in my life and the first time in my adult life that I have broken a bone. It's funny, but I can remember every bit of each time that I broke the others. They include a broken wrist from falling off a horse in October when I was 9. That was complicated by the fact that I developed a case of mumps at the same time. The next year, I fell doing gymnastics and broke every bone in my right elbow. That was complicated by the fact that the doctor used methiolate during surgery which I am allergic to, so I developed 2nd and 3rd degree burns under the cast that needed to be changed every three weeks. Luckily, my growing bone healed and no scars. Oh yes, that swell time was four days before Christmas! The following year I broke my leg ice skating. That was a thigh cast and crutches for three months! No other complications! All in all, this break and cast is relatively easy!
I had the notion that I would be able to just continue with my routine and busyness, but was I wrong! Lugging Halloween Cast around makes me plan my steps and I do not take any that I don't need to! Heaven forbid that I forget something and have to go back for it! It doesn't always happen! Luckily, I did not have too many events or meetings scheduled for October. I will be able to meet all my obligations. It is so important for me to be able to be out and visit with folks. I cannot sit at home and pout. It might take me a little longer and I may have to plan my steps, but I want to be able to go and do everything that I can. With a "little help from my friends" I will. (A sidenote--The best offer of help, so far, has been to be carried down a flight of stairs! I appreciated the offer!) I'm not letting Halloween Cast get the better of me! But I have a new perspective on walking now! My inconvenience will only last 6 weeks, while others' it lasts a lifetime.
Even though, physically, I have experienced a huge inconvenience to my life, all the ways that people have shown me that they care have been tremendous and outweighed my struggles. My school children are so sweet! I am grateful to be able to use a wheelchair while teaching, so they want to take turns pushing me. It's adding a new dimension to our lessons, plus it is reminding me of the years at Champaign County Nursing Home where I was on the other side of the wheelchair! Thank you to all who have shown me kindness!
Halloween Cast only has until Nov. 2nd to be signed and space is filling up! Then it's a new cast and I'm going for the red, white, and blue, since it will be Election Day. Have Marker, will travel!
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