I found a quote from Emerson that has been so appropriate..."The only gift is to give of thyself." This pretty much sums up my life's philosophy. From an early age, my family trekked to Rantoul every Sunday afternoon to visit my grandparents. It has been instilled in me that giving others your time is one of the most important qualities you can possess. Who doesn't love when someone wants to be with you without expecting anything in return? Who doesn't love when someone takes time to write a note of encouragement? Who doesn't love when someone calls just to say, "Hi! How're ya doin'?"? Plus I find that giving back to others by volunteering for activities such as making food deliveries or mentoring a child or serving on Council is giving the gift of time from my side. The gift works in both directions.
Just yesterday, I was stopped by a total stranger at the Clinic as I was hobbling by. She was waiting with her daughter for her foot surgery appointment. She stopped me to ask if I would show her daughter my boot because that is what she will be wearing after her surgery and she wanted her daughter to not be too afraid. I was more than happy to share a few minutes of my time and show her how Bling helps to make it a little more fun. Unfortunately, my time with them was cut short when the nurse who was expecting me came out to look for me! That's ok. The woman thanked me for sharing and for having a positive outlook. Hopefully, I passed a little on to her to ease her fears, too.
Working in a nursing home for almost 16 years really showed me the importance of this quote. The residents were so hungry for someone to just sit and visit for a bit or longer, if possible. They longed for the human connection and touch. After my upbringing, this mere gift of giving a few minutes of time to someone else was important to me. I couldn't heal their bodies or give them independence, but I could give them time, a chance to have that human connection.
In all facets of my life, whether it be mother, grandmother, wife, teacher or Councilwoman, sharing my time with others is a priority. So when others reciprocate with me, I am even more appreciative. Since Halloween Cast and now Bling Boot have filled my October, I've had time to reflect on how much everybody's time shown to me has meant. From holding a door to waiting in the dark to driving me to my car to sharing a meal to buying Bling to the many offers of help and encouragement to waiting patiently for me while I hobble, I am so appreciative.
Your gifts of time have not gone unnoticed. THANK YOU!