Thursday, December 23, 2010
Sugar Cookie Tradition
I don't have many traditions anymore at Christmas, since the kids are grown and gone. But the one that I still carry on for the whole family is the baking of Grandma's sugar cookies. I usually only make them at Christmas. And I am the only family member to make them. So the pressure is on for December 24th! I have been making them every year I've been married and probably before that, but I can't remember that far back!
These are not just your run-of-the-mill sugar cookies! Grandma's recipe goes back over 100 years when it was passed on to her from my great-grandma. Over the years I've tried tweaking it, but have gone back to using real buttermilk now. Everything else is just as it was then. Grandma gave me tips over the years like only work the dough as little as possible. The dough needs to refrigerate overnight. And just use the bare minimum of flour. Since they have to be cut, that is a very important rule.
A fb friend posted about how she was "channeling" her grandma as she was baking today. I thought of that. How interesting! I looked at the cookies differently! I thought about the star cookie cutter that was Grandma's too. It must be 80 years old and still in perfect shape. I thought about the glass sugar shakers that either she or I bought many, many years ago. Still just fine! It shows they cost $.10! Thinking of those things made the baking so much more fun!
The other important part of this tradition is trying to remember who likes only sugar sprinkled and who likes only icing. I divide the cookies to my different family members and try to remember who likes what. For instance, my husband only likes them iced. For the family sugar-cookie connoisseurs, we just like the sprinkled sugar. Mostly, each family likes a combination, so I can't lose! Over the years, I have added the red hots. But I cannot break with the different shapes. Most of the cutters I have had since I was first married. And I have to make sure I have the ones for Santa to eat!
Anyway, this cookie-baking tradition was made more special today by thinking of my grandma and mom making these before me. I am so grateful this year to be healed of my broken leg and able to keep the tradition alive.
Merry Christmas to all!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Communicate, communicate, communicate...
In all facets of life, communication has got to be the number one issue for relationships. I know this is much easier said than done for many people. It doesn't always come naturally to me, but when the lines of communication are opened it does. Many times I am the one to open those lines. Trust me, it isn't always easy, but the rewards are worthwhile. Often, misunderstandings are resolved. Relationship issues are better understood. Communication allows forward movement. Granted, the answers are not always the ones that we want to hear. But with the willingness to be open and honest with others, respect and trust are often the outcomes. I appreciate that quality in the people that I know and hope that I reciprocate.
I chose this picture because it is one of my favorite places. It is Indian Springs near Palm Springs. It's an oasis in the middle of the desert. The two canyon walls represent two people who communicate and form the living spring with fertile ground around them where life happens. That's how we need to be. You cannot be alone and grow.
In this week before Thanksgiving, I am most thankful to those around me who have shown genuine caring and are willing to communicate with me on all levels of life. You can trust that I will be open and honest in return. Isn't that what life's about?!!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
The Gift of Time
I found a quote from Emerson that has been so appropriate..."The only gift is to give of thyself." This pretty much sums up my life's philosophy. From an early age, my family trekked to Rantoul every Sunday afternoon to visit my grandparents. It has been instilled in me that giving others your time is one of the most important qualities you can possess. Who doesn't love when someone wants to be with you without expecting anything in return? Who doesn't love when someone takes time to write a note of encouragement? Who doesn't love when someone calls just to say, "Hi! How're ya doin'?"? Plus I find that giving back to others by volunteering for activities such as making food deliveries or mentoring a child or serving on Council is giving the gift of time from my side. The gift works in both directions.
Just yesterday, I was stopped by a total stranger at the Clinic as I was hobbling by. She was waiting with her daughter for her foot surgery appointment. She stopped me to ask if I would show her daughter my boot because that is what she will be wearing after her surgery and she wanted her daughter to not be too afraid. I was more than happy to share a few minutes of my time and show her how Bling helps to make it a little more fun. Unfortunately, my time with them was cut short when the nurse who was expecting me came out to look for me! That's ok. The woman thanked me for sharing and for having a positive outlook. Hopefully, I passed a little on to her to ease her fears, too.
Working in a nursing home for almost 16 years really showed me the importance of this quote. The residents were so hungry for someone to just sit and visit for a bit or longer, if possible. They longed for the human connection and touch. After my upbringing, this mere gift of giving a few minutes of time to someone else was important to me. I couldn't heal their bodies or give them independence, but I could give them time, a chance to have that human connection.
In all facets of my life, whether it be mother, grandmother, wife, teacher or Councilwoman, sharing my time with others is a priority. So when others reciprocate with me, I am even more appreciative. Since Halloween Cast and now Bling Boot have filled my October, I've had time to reflect on how much everybody's time shown to me has meant. From holding a door to waiting in the dark to driving me to my car to sharing a meal to buying Bling to the many offers of help and encouragement to waiting patiently for me while I hobble, I am so appreciative.
Your gifts of time have not gone unnoticed. THANK YOU!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Halloween Cast Made a Friend!
Halloween Cast is having quite the adventure! I have had the great fortune to meet another Halloween Cast and we are teaming up to make sure life doesn't get too dull while wearing the beloved cast!
It has been so wonderful to have someone reach out who is in the same situation. Trusting each other with our feelings about it all has really been great. It is quite the long distance relationship, but knowing there is another person out there who has Halloween Cast makes the world so much smaller.
We bounce ideas off each other and share tips. Hopefully, she'll find the toe bling and we'll be matching! The picture shows one of her ideas! It's Camouflage Cast. I loved it!
Thanks again to all who have been so sympathetic or who have held a door open for me or who have waited with me when it was dark. I just hope that Halloween Cast II is getting the same awesome treatment!
Monday, October 11, 2010
October Jinx--2010 Style
For whatever reasons, October has been a challenging month for me for several years. This year is once again proving to bear that out! The main issue is the broken leg and Halloween Cast. It is the fourth time in my life and the first time in my adult life that I have broken a bone. It's funny, but I can remember every bit of each time that I broke the others. They include a broken wrist from falling off a horse in October when I was 9. That was complicated by the fact that I developed a case of mumps at the same time. The next year, I fell doing gymnastics and broke every bone in my right elbow. That was complicated by the fact that the doctor used methiolate during surgery which I am allergic to, so I developed 2nd and 3rd degree burns under the cast that needed to be changed every three weeks. Luckily, my growing bone healed and no scars. Oh yes, that swell time was four days before Christmas! The following year I broke my leg ice skating. That was a thigh cast and crutches for three months! No other complications! All in all, this break and cast is relatively easy!
I had the notion that I would be able to just continue with my routine and busyness, but was I wrong! Lugging Halloween Cast around makes me plan my steps and I do not take any that I don't need to! Heaven forbid that I forget something and have to go back for it! It doesn't always happen! Luckily, I did not have too many events or meetings scheduled for October. I will be able to meet all my obligations. It is so important for me to be able to be out and visit with folks. I cannot sit at home and pout. It might take me a little longer and I may have to plan my steps, but I want to be able to go and do everything that I can. With a "little help from my friends" I will. (A sidenote--The best offer of help, so far, has been to be carried down a flight of stairs! I appreciated the offer!) I'm not letting Halloween Cast get the better of me! But I have a new perspective on walking now! My inconvenience will only last 6 weeks, while others' it lasts a lifetime.
Even though, physically, I have experienced a huge inconvenience to my life, all the ways that people have shown me that they care have been tremendous and outweighed my struggles. My school children are so sweet! I am grateful to be able to use a wheelchair while teaching, so they want to take turns pushing me. It's adding a new dimension to our lessons, plus it is reminding me of the years at Champaign County Nursing Home where I was on the other side of the wheelchair! Thank you to all who have shown me kindness!
Halloween Cast only has until Nov. 2nd to be signed and space is filling up! Then it's a new cast and I'm going for the red, white, and blue, since it will be Election Day. Have Marker, will travel!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
An old song, "People", has lyrics that strike a chord with me. "People...People who need people are the luckiest people in the world..." That's me! I don't think that I could live on an island by myself. No, I know I couldn't! The interactions with others is what life is about. It never ceases to amaze me how those interactions occur. I love how the "small world" factor plays out in my life at least on a weekly basis. Last week, I was visiting a fine wine emporium and the manager recognized me from my Facebook friends! I had no idea that I was *that* recognizable, but it was fun. And a new friend is born!
A verse that I have seen twice now at different sites has also caught my attention. "I thank God every time I remember you." The impact those simple words can have on a person's demeanor is huge. It's always easy to be positive and thankful in the happy moments. But I've blogged before on how that one negative sticks out instead of all the positive things. Instead of dwelling on the negative, be thankful. Since I've been shown this verse twice now, I'd better take it to heart and do it!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Rosh Hashana
My mother died in October, 1997. A few years before her death she learned that her father was Jewish. He had added a letter to his name around WWI, so that people wouldn't know that he was. He was killed in 1936 and his heritage was forgotten until my mother's geneology was being studied. Over the last few years I have wanted to learn more about the Jewish holidays and customs. Being raised Christian, I was never taught about them and I am grateful to chambanamom for articles about being a Jew in Chambana. She helps me to understand what obstacles she faces in instances where diversity is lacking. Plus her writing is entertaining to me,as well!
Today marks the beginning of Rosh Hashana which is the beginning of the Jewish New Year that is celebrated with many symbolic customs. As I read about them, I find that they make a lot of sense to me, as a person. It is my Christian beliefs that form my core, though. But knowing that I have Jewish ancestry makes me want to know more. I am intrigued by the customs and more keenly aware of diversity.
Much has been made recently of different religions around the world. Religion is not just for a day that you go to a building to worship. It is a way of life. I hope that by embracing my Jewish ancestry and living my life by the "Golden Rule" which is to do unto others as I would have them do unto me, I will celebrate the diversity of the world in which we live!
One thing that confuses me, though, is since it begins at sundown, when do you send Rosh Hashana greetings? Today or tomorrow?
I'll send them now, anyway! Peace.....
Monday, August 30, 2010
Politics Is Not R or D
Birthdays bring a lot of reflecting to me of the past year and where I want to travel the next year. This particular birthday will start a new decade for me. I know that numbers aren't telling of the person, but now I understand Jack Benny's like of "39"! It has been the reflecting of how many people have been so supportive of me this year and the connections that I have developed with people that make me feel so rich! Social media has its issues, but I have been able to reach out, meet, and reconnect with so many.
That leads me to the politics issue. For me, politics is not Republican or Democratic, but "P" for People. AS a community leader, I need to keep focused on the people around me. It's through them that I learn and become a better person. I focus my energies on making our City a better place for all. Connections are two-way streets. I hope that the new year for me will be one filled with more connections and deepening the ones that I already have. Thank you to all of you who have contributed to this being one of the best years of my life and I look forward to the next one, regardless of what number it is! (By the way, my grandma lived to 102, so I plan to do the same!)
Friday, August 27, 2010
Land of the Numb
"Land of the Numb" is a phrase that I read today that sparked a nerve with me. August has been an awesome month! I didn't really blog because everything was soooo great and I didn't want people to get tired of hearing it! I got to thinking why were things so positive, but, also, why did I sometimes get bogged down with the what ifs and whys and really?s. Then I saw these words, "Land of the Numb". I don't want to be in that Land. Numb is so nothing. I like feeling. I love life and experiencing all that it has to offer. I like being willing to open up to new experiences and stepping out of my comfort zone. I'm not ready to go skiing down Pike's Peak, but there are plenty of opportunities ahead! I like wanting to make a difference in lives and when that happens then my life is richer. You have to be able to open yourself up to those feelings and then be willing to be vulnerable. It's during those vulnerable times that the doubts and confusions set in. For me, I'll pass on "Land of the Numb" and live in the "Land of the Feeling"...
Monday, July 12, 2010
What's next?
It may be summer, but it certainly isn't slow. The political season is starting up and I am certainly in the mix. So many things are going through my head right now about it...helping other candidates, the county fair, the state fair, and most importantly, taking out my petitions for re-election. I have been encouraged by all the positive comments I have received and look forward to the election in the Spring. At the same time, questions rise about the next one. Politicians are always looking one election ahead. To me, I do well to think about the present and let the future take care of itself. Actually, that is a concept that I am definitely working on. "Real time" is not always easy for me. I like to have matters planned. I like to know what's on people's minds. I like knowing that I'm on the same page when that page counts! Not knowing drives me crazy, but I am trying to work on that. I am slowly, but surely realizing that not everyone likes to wear their feelings on their sleeves like I do. Hahaha! Maybe one of these years I'll become accepting of that! So...I will only deal with one election at a time. That will keep me busy!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Unrealistic Expectations
On Twitter someone posted that it's all too often that unhappiness comes from unrealistic expectations. The expectations can be self-imposed or what you feel you should have from others. Unfortunately, I have experienced both. And isn't it always the case that it's the one expectation out of a hundred that is remembered and felt to make you unhappy. There are 99 wonderful reasons to be happy and then the one thing that makes you unhappy is the one remembered. My biggest challenge in life is remembering the 99 and letting the 1 go. I am going to work on that....
Monday, May 31, 2010
Words to Ponder
Rick Warren twittered, "God sometimes removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after them." Huh. Sometimes I find myself doing just that. I am wondering if I should pay more attention to these words. It sure would make a lot of sense. It's more my style to ask questions and try to understand first. Then let go, if need be. Patience is a virtue that I need to work on, as well. Could the two be connected?
Saturday, May 22, 2010
To Steve
Today I am saddened by the loss of one of my best friends. I met him the minute that I met my husband, as he arranged the meeting along with my sister. We were always close, but we had our moments of disagreements. The one thing that I will never forget about him was his loyalty to his friends. He loved his friends. He remembered so much about them from years ago. He and my husband were like brothers. He loved life and living it to the fullest. He set the bar high for keeping in good physical shape, although it's ironic that it was his own heart that turned on him and caused his death. He was stubborn and refused to believe he was sick. He walked the 5k in the Illinois Marathon because he felt like it! Regardless of the ups and downs that we may have experienced, he was always there for me, just as he was for his other friends. Rest in Peace, Steve, with that Big Harley in the sky! Miss you.....
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Sage advice
A good friend once gave me advice politically, but it has served me well lately. I hadn't really thought of it until right now when I've been thinking about how great the last couple of months have been for me. The advice was..."Don't let the highs be too high or the lows be too low." I haven't purposefully been aware of that, but now in retrospect it is true. Of course, there have been moments of disappointment, but the highs are definitely in control right now. What could I attribute this to? There are many, many things as I look back over the last couple of months. My relationships with people have expanded. Making new friends and reconnecting with old ones has made a positive difference. Family situations are stable. And serving others in the community is huge! I enjoy all my volunteer opportunities plus being able to serve the citizens of Champaign through the Council has brought so much to my life. I hope that I am giving back as much or more than what I am given (which has been so much)! It's hard for me not to let the highs take over and show my height of enthusiasm. So I'll try not to let them get too high. But it's a challenge!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Wonderful Week
Last week's horoscope prediction was accurate. But instead of just one person responsible for making it a wonderful week, it was a combination of many! (Does that make me a believer? No!) To paraphrase the famous quote, it takes a village to raise Karen! Every day something unexpected happened to bring joy into my life. Even the potential "Error" had a positive outcome. People ask why I love going to meetings and it's because I not only learn about what I'm there for, but, also, I make connections that I never plan. That's what's so exciting to me! As an expample, at a Broadband meeting this week, a woman who has been on the opposite side of different issues with me and I were able to discuss things with a new level of understanding. That's what public service is about to me. It takes reaching out and trying to make those connections.
The culmination of the week was with the Illinois Marathon. It was the ultimate in reconnecting for me! Out of all those thousands of runners/walkers I found my friend! We have been friends for 30 years, but circumstances took us our separate ways. Not on Saturday, though. We teamed up and she kept a fast pace walking. We had the best time for ten miles! Didn't even notice the time or miles walked! I had to stop and tie my shoe at mile ten and told her to go ahead. I knew that she was walking slower for my sake and I didn't want to slow her pace further. At that point in the race, I couldn't jog another foot to catch up, so she went on. She finished 30 minutes ahead of me, but was at the finish line waiting for me! That made me so happy! It was an experience that I won't ever forget and our reconnection will last this time!
Again, life is what you make of it! Sometimes happiness comes in unexpected ways, but you must always be open for it! Get out and get out of your comfort zone! You never know what unexpected happiness is waiting for you!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
A Child's Love
Every day something new has happened to make the prediction from Sunday accurate. The last two days I have received presents out-of-the-blue from different people who have really warmed my heart. One was a shawl that my grandma crocheted. She has been gone for five years now and it was so sweet of the person to give it back to me. I never dreamed it would feel so good to have it and feel the closeness to her. The other one was a pair of earrings from one of my preschoolers. There wasn't any reason, but love and they were pink hearts. She knows I love pink. A big hug accompanied them. I really needed that today. Sometimes I think too much about my interactions with others and misinterpret actions or inaction. That happened earlier and I'm still not sure what to think. But the love that child shared with me is genuine. "That's" what I need to remember and focus on!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
2 for 2; E-1?
So far my prediction for a great week has been accurate with two great lunches and fun conversations. Still time to schedule two more lunches and a Friday afternoon meeting! There may be one in the error column, though. The scoring judge is still ruling on that! Tune in Friday for official results!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Accurate prediction?
I don't believe in horoscopes, but am amused at what they say and sometimes this Yahoo! horoscope is uncanny in how closely it resembles me. Today's was one of those times, so I will just sit back and see what happens!
"You were recently introduced to someone who could make this a wonderful week for you -- if you let them. Let the rest of the world take care of itself, if you can."
Ok, who's gonna step up?!!!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Life enhancements
In reading another blog I came across a quote that I liked..."I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then." (Lewis Carroll) Isn't it funny how our experiences and those around us shape our personalities, even as we age. I think that our core values stay and there are parts of our personalities that will always be the same, but I am glad to know that I can move forward knowing that others will enhance my life in ways that I never dreamed possible! Each day brings new opportunities, so don't miss out on them!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
30 Seconds
In the short time span of 30 seconds one's life can change. It can either bring about ecstatic or crumbling feelings. I've experienced both this week. Granted, at the time, the euphoric feels so much better, but it leaves. Sadness feels like crap, but it leaves too. Dealing with both ends of the spectrum is crucial to how we live our lives. You never know when the sadness will lead to the euphoric, so keep on going...30 seconds just passed!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Walking today I decided to take a different route which caused me to take longer to get home. Usually, I walk the same exact way every day. It's familiar and I know how long it takes. But today I stepped onto a new path that I wasn't sure where it would lead me. I knew the general direction, but it was exciting to go a different way and see new yards and flowers. Life is like that. There isn't anything wrong with familiar, but sometimes the excitement of exploring the unknown adds new dimensions to life. That has certainly been true for me these last few years. It seems that something new keeps bopping its head around a corner or bend in the road. And that's exciting to me! Keeps life fresh and I'm always curious what will be next! How glad I am to be able to stay open and embrace the new while not leaving sight of my familiar.
Friday, April 16, 2010
As citizens, we are free to have our own personal opinions. Mayor Schweighart voiced his personal opinion concerning President Obama’s citizenship. His opinion does not reflect my own. As members of the Champaign City Council, we work hard to further the Council Goals that will move our community forward to become one that all people will be proud to call home. As in every community, residents differ in their opinions. Yet, even with strong opinions on some subjects, we are able to put them aside in order to make decisions concerning the welfare of our citizens and our city.
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