Sunday, August 18, 2013

More on New Chapters...

One thing that I do best is think!  And I have been known to "overthink" things!  Nooooo!  But those who know me know this is true!  Well, something happened while I was thinking today.  I came to an understanding about how to accept New Chapters.  As difficult as it is sometimes to move forward, I found that remembering the good things worked!  At least for today.....

Sunday, August 4, 2013

New Chapters

The exciting part about life is change.  Change keeps life from becoming dull and routine.  Change can produce the whole range of emotions.  We cannot predict change.  We cannot know how someone else's change is going to affect us.  What we do know is that we have to ride the waves of change.  Know that we cannot change anything but ourselves.  Change is going to happen and how we deal with it when it happens makes the difference.  Know that if we are open to accepting the change that happens around us or to us, act on the change if we need to, and do what we can to move forward positively will make all the difference.  I continue to appreciate those in my life who produce these emotions about change.  Without them I would be just routine.  Sometimes the change aches, but it's better to feel.

So.... bring it, change!  I'll deal with it!

It's not about the past, and it's not about the future, its about taking this moment you're living in right now, and making it count.