Sunday, February 12, 2012

Land of the Free, Home of the Brave

Reflecting on Lincoln's presidency and the tumultuous times he served, I am reminded of our own brave soldiers who have fought for freedom. The picture that I have chosen to include is of PFC Danny Kimme, son of Champaign police officer, Doug Kimme. He was killed in the line of duty almost four years ago to this date. I took this picture of his sketching at the Illinois State Fair in 2010. An artist made sketches of all the soldiers who had fallen in the line of duty and the display surrounded four walls of the tent. It was a solemn and awesome tribute to the bravery exemplified by the soldiers.

It is isn't just those who go to war who are brave. We just have to look within our own lives to find it. We are surrounded by everyday people who show bravery all the time! "Brave" doesn't have to mean just one thing. It's anyone facing a challenge head on. Of course, those who put their lives on the line for us each day, as in our police officers and fire fighters, are the logical persons, but look around. Look at the baby who is taking his/her first steps. Look at the child who starts preschool or day care for the first time. Look at those who begin new treatments for diseases. Look at the wives, husbands, and families of those who go into battle or who protect us daily. Look at those making choices for others that may or may not be popular. Look at anyone making a choice that will affect their life's path. I could go on and on....All of these things take courage. Who in your life exemplifies courage? Maybe it's you! We have to be brave and trust that the choices we make will be the best ones for us.

After spending more time learning how officers train to keep us protected, it brings gratitude to my heart. PFC Danny Kimme did not have a chance to return. But many solders have and are using their skills now to keep the citizens of our communities safe. Even without going to war, we all can find someone that has shown bravery in this world we call "life". Acknowledge them! Give them kudos! Most importantly, pay it back.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Where's the line?

What does it mean to call someone a friend? Where do you have to draw the line from personal to business? These questions are important to consider when I think of my friendships. As a person, am I being congruent between my real friendships and those actions I take because of professional duties? There can be a disconnect there.

That's the struggle sometimes. I have had to make some difficult decisions that have brought serious consequences. I have had to trust others' confidences to me that they are also doing right. In this world today, it is hard to tell, but my gut has to lead me. I am grateful to those who share their trust with me and from that have formed meaningful friendships. Even though we move through the struggle, if we are moving for the right reasons, it will be worth it.

My nature is to be a supporter. I think we all want to be positive and see the world through rose-colored glasses. Unfortunately, life gets in the way! I have learned that I have had to choose where to place my support. It has to be where I think it's right. Sometimes, others disagree with me. That's ok. What a dull world this would be if we all agreed on everything. I wouldn't ever learn anything!

My core values will never change, especially the Golden Rule..."Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." I want to treat people the way that I expect to be treated.... with honesty. If someone betrays that trust, then our friendship is changed.

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that there isn't always a line. Life cannot be black and white. Like the waves in the sand, the line is always changing, but the water's wet and sometimes brings stuff with it. Life moves forward, but it's not always predictable. We have to have some grey areas to maneuver, but within that maneuvering you have to keep your core values of being one who can be trusted, loyal, and honest. It's your reputation. Guard it and make sure that it is the reputation you want to follow you. You have to keep your friends' backs too. Without that what's the point of being a friend?

Keep open to listening to different opinions and supporting what you feel best matches your own. Without them the world would be a dull place!