Reflecting on Lincoln's presidency and the tumultuous times he served, I am reminded of our own brave soldiers who have fought for freedom. The picture that I have chosen to include is of PFC Danny Kimme, son of Champaign police officer, Doug Kimme. He was killed in the line of duty almost four years ago to this date. I took this picture of his sketching at the Illinois State Fair in 2010. An artist made sketches of all the soldiers who had fallen in the line of duty and the display surrounded four walls of the tent. It was a solemn and awesome tribute to the bravery exemplified by the soldiers.
It is isn't just those who go to war who are brave. We just have to look within our own lives to find it. We are surrounded by everyday people who show bravery all the time! "Brave" doesn't have to mean just one thing. It's anyone facing a challenge head on. Of course, those who put their lives on the line for us each day, as in our police officers and fire fighters, are the logical persons, but look around. Look at the baby who is taking his/her first steps. Look at the child who starts preschool or day care for the first time. Look at those who begin new treatments for diseases. Look at the wives, husbands, and families of those who go into battle or who protect us daily. Look at those making choices for others that may or may not be popular. Look at anyone making a choice that will affect their life's path. I could go on and on....All of these things take courage. Who in your life exemplifies courage? Maybe it's you! We have to be brave and trust that the choices we make will be the best ones for us.
After spending more time learning how officers train to keep us protected, it brings gratitude to my heart. PFC Danny Kimme did not have a chance to return. But many solders have and are using their skills now to keep the citizens of our communities safe. Even without going to war, we all can find someone that has shown bravery in this world we call "life". Acknowledge them! Give them kudos! Most importantly, pay it back.