City Girl is long overdue! So much has been happening in my "City" that I've been neglecting my blogging. I will confess that politics took most of my time in January. But I love them! Watching the process play out is the best. Meeting with people and talking with people is what life's about. Everyone has opinions and wants to share them. Everyone thinks that their opinions are the "right" ones. It takes much listening and contemplation to decide which match my own. By listening and opening my mind to new possibilities, sometimes I change my mind. Usually, that change feels much better.
Many, many issues are before me now that have consumed so much time. Since they impact the whole City, I have to get it right in my mind. The decisions that are facing the City cannot be made lightly, nor quickly. I hope by talking to as many people as possible and getting all the facts that I need, I will make the tough decisions without second thoughts. Having so many people who trust me to do that makes getting it right important. I know that not everyone will be happy. But I hope that they will know that I will have thoroughly vetted every possibility. I cannot thank enough those around me who give their advice and encouragement freely and with the best intentions. I appreciate it. It makes me able to move forward.
The State of Illinois' Inauguration was a highlight in my month! I had never participated before and what fun! Of course, knowing two of the elected officials personally made the events most meaningful. Attending the parties and events with good friends and my brother added to all the fun! The Capitol Building is the hub of our politics and still has me in awe of its splendor.
Democracy is for the people and by the people and I am proud to have a small part in that process! I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge the 100th Birthday of one of our finest presidents, Ronald Reagan. Visiting his Presidential Library was awesome and standing by the piece of the Berlin Wall that had been torn down (picture, '05) reminded me of how powerful Democracy is for all!