An old song, "People", has lyrics that strike a chord with me. "People...People who need people are the luckiest people in the world..." That's me! I don't think that I could live on an island by myself. No, I know I couldn't! The interactions with others is what life is about. It never ceases to amaze me how those interactions occur. I love how the "small world" factor plays out in my life at least on a weekly basis. Last week, I was visiting a fine wine emporium and the manager recognized me from my Facebook friends! I had no idea that I was *that* recognizable, but it was fun. And a new friend is born!
A verse that I have seen twice now at different sites has also caught my attention. "I thank God every time I remember you." The impact those simple words can have on a person's demeanor is huge. It's always easy to be positive and thankful in the happy moments. But I've blogged before on how that one negative sticks out instead of all the positive things. Instead of dwelling on the negative, be thankful. Since I've been shown this verse twice now, I'd better take it to heart and do it!